Sunday, April 10, 2011

"All Things" Worldwide Marathon Event 4 OTSK

Have you seen this video? ? The "all things" marathons are being held worldwide to assist OTSK. This video gives you a terrific glimpse into the inspiration behind the organization, and also information on how donations are used for the Transition to Independent Living Programme.

"All Things" Worldwide Marathon Event

Once again, throughout the month of April, fans of Gillian Anderson will celebrate her work on television and in films during this international, month-long fundraiser to benefit the charity of her choosing, OTSK. Fans will gather in cities, towns, and remotely via the Internet for a viewing party and other fundraising activities.

As in years past, the team that collectively raises the most funds for OTSK will receive a little something special. This will include IBG merchandise, recognition in the scrapbook and a personal surprise from Gillian Anderson!!

Please sign up here to host an event: