Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2nd day Yadda Blah Yadda Blah

So I got through the first day and I'm on to the second. 

I hear the first week is the hardest and I'm not gonna lie, it's definitely been hard. It wasn't so much the workout really...I mean, for the first three days, I'm only gonna do 20 minutes of cardio in the morning and then the 24 minute 'Start It Up' work out later in the day. It's been more the actual waking up and wanting to do it that's been the toughest part.

Yes, I'm determined to do it, but tell that to my tired brain and untrained body. Due to the work I do, I don't work consistently (not yet anyways) so I have a lot of free time on my hands. Up until a few weeks ago, I wasn't really doing much activity wise, so my body is still trying to grasp onto the fact of, "Whoa, she's getting off of the conch and doing something. This is weird!"  

Also, I'm used to going to bed when most people are getting up (here in the States anyways) so I have a hard time getting up at a decent hour. When I try to go to bed early, I generally just lay there wide awake - my brain going 100 miles a minute. I eventually fall asleep and I have my alarm set for 8am but I can't wake up. I let it ring for another hour and I finally drag myself out of bed at 9am to get my day started - AND it's only my second day!! 

What is wrong with me? I'm really hoping that as I keep doing this, eventually my brain and body won't be so tired all the time. Like literally, as I'm typing this my eyelids keep drooping. I just want to close my eyes and take a nap, but I can't! I can't because I have a scheduled meal in about 30 minutes. I can't because if I sleep now, I won't be able to sleep tonight...and I can't for so many other reasons. Am I seriously just complaining to complain?...or do you all go through this too? 

Grumpy, but determined, Lizzy


  1. If Slim in 6 works can I borrow it? I am starting my TCA diet tomorrow...which basically means I don't have time to eat. Not the healthiest but it's a start to shrinking my stomach so that when I get back on normal schedule I'm not constantly snacking. Good luck!

  2. 3 times now i've tried to post a comment!!! SCREAM!!!! I'll try again......

  3. Lizzy, I've never tried a strict diet/workout plan before, but I am trying it this year. I am going through the exact same thing you are! I am extremely determined, and I FEEL motivated, but it's sssooo hard to get going. Today, I exceeded my daily calorie budget by 2pm (yikes!). It forced me to exercise so that I could eat again before tomorrow! Even then, it was extremely tough. I am chronically sleepy due to my screwed up sleep schedule (I do 2 overnight shifts per week at one job, and 5 short daytime shifts per week at another job), so it took all my might to get up and move when all I wanted was a nap. I think as my mind and body adapt to this new lifestyle, it won't be as hard for me to make the effort, but so far it is ROUGH! Hang in there babe... it'll get easier (I hope), and it'll be worth it (it better!).

  4. Bloody typical.... that one worked!!

    Here goes...

    sounds like you and I are living the same lives right now!! Late to bed, late to get up, and minimal exercise. The most exercise i do lately is use my thumbs to tweet! Although today i did do 20 minutes of Zumba. I may be loosely interpreting the word 'do' however! Watching counts right??? Of course it does.... those tight abs, cute belly buttons and all that rhythm is coming my way very soon!! :)

    You know what i hate? All the doo gooders who give their motivational speeches. "You can do it Girl!" "Persevere, it only gets easier..." BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...WTF do skinny, fit people know hey??

    Losing weight & getting fit is fucking hard!!! And it sucks! Big time!! It sucks that we have to do it. It sucks that it hurts so fucking much!! "Feel the pain to get the gain" All i wanna feel is the mattress or couch under my butt and a block of chocolate in my hands after a workout!! I don't wanna feel "the pain!!!" So i hear you!! Moan away!! Let it rip :D

    What you are doing is FREAKING HARD, and you're doing it publicly..... UH OH!! i feel a motivational speech coming on... quick run!!! Run for the bed and hide!! lol
    I'll keep it brief!! Just remember life is full of challenges. Some we overcome easily, others we fear too much to try. You choose which it is to be....

    Laree :))

  5. @danielletbd I'll make you a copy. I vote cupcakes for sustenance. =)

    @NeverAgain I definitely hope so! ;-) It's weird you know cause like you mentioned being extremely determined and feeling motivated but actually doing it, just kicks my ass. Well I think we should help motivate each other, if you'd like I can check in on you on a weekly basis. I think it helps when you have someone there with you through this crazy hard journey. =) That's one of the main reasons why I started this blog, it's harder when you feel you're doing it on your own.

    @Laree **hiding under bed** Is it safe to come out yet? :P lol OMG YESSSS to your whole comment. Well except maybe it counting when you're just watching. (I wish!) My day is finally ending and I'm in so much freaking pain. It's like I was hit by a freaking truck or something. Yes to wanting to punch my video instructor in the face, I mean I know she means well but SHUT YOUR FACE Debbie. hahaha Yeah when I decided to blog about it, I was definitely a little scared but that was the point. I have to stop being afraid of owning it, you know? This just makes it more real, if that makes sense.

  6. OK, this site does not want to recognize my LJ account, so I'm going anonymous, but I'm Black_Panda_Ops on Live Journal and Toby referred me here.

    Dieting is hard. The first week can be really rough. I hope the program you are comfortable with gives you a good kick start. Something I might suggest is check out www.fatsecret.com. They have a free calorie counting tool I like, and forums with some pretty smart people who have lost significant amounts of weight and maintained pretty good success at keeping it off. The site itself is diet program agnostic, there may be a sub forum for your specific plan.

    Not selling anything, just hope to be helpful.

  7. @BlackPandaOps Yeah I can tell this week is gonna be hard but I'm hoping that next week it will get easier :)

    Thanks so much for the site, I went to sign up. :D

  8. So, I do have to tell you that, as you've said before, the first week is the hardest, but I'm very proud of you for at leasr being determined and not giving up on the 2nd day like most people would!! Trust me, the waking up at 8am after going to bed so late will probably be the hardest part, remember how I didnt have a job for a year and a half and then once I got one and I had to wake up that early, it kicked my ass for nearly a month. But now I'm a pro at waking up early :)

    If you need those wake up calls or someone in your ear (phone wise) to kick your ass, just let me know!!

  9. Hi Lizzy! I know we talked a little about it already but I'm still so in awe of you having the courage to do this publicly! It's really hard and it sucks and it never goes away, but if you did it once, you can do it again!

    I don't stick with workout tapes very long because (a) I'm really uncoordinated and I spend a lot of time stumbling over the steps instead of working out-- sometimes I get so frustrated I just march in place! and (b), I have to distract myself from the fact that I'm exercising, in the form of books on tape/music while walking, and magazines/tv/music while on the elliptical/treadmill. Sometimes I even study on the machines!

    But I will say that if your life allows it, it might make it easier if you work out whenever you feel most active- I'm a night owl too and often work out between 7-10 PM-- people think I'm crazy but I can barely function before 10 AM, much less exercise!

  10. I'll take you up on your offer if it's not too much trouble! I like reading your blog, it's always good to know you're not the only one having a hard time with X, Y, or Z (especially X *wink*). I'm doing my little semi-daily updates over on one of my deviantart accounts. It sounds silly, but I've been using this account to add photos to my favorites that motivate me to either A) get in shape, or B) work on my sewing skills. If you ever feel interested in reading (my updates are way more boring and matter-of-fact than yours though XD) you can find it here: http://ineedmotivation.deviantart.com/ and you can ALWAYS feel free to hit me up on good 'ole FB

  11. I'm proud of you. And I know this is freaking hard. I've been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. I don't really have much to say except I really hope this works for you. :D And I really need to be doing the same thing you are!

    It's Rach btw. LOL.

  12. @Katy LOL I know! I remember you were so tired all the time…come to think of it that hasn't changed haha but it's not your fault they're working you to the bone. =( I will totally take you up on the wake up calls although I think my body is starting to get use to it…sort of.

    @marikology Thank you so much! I totally appreciate the support and all your suggestions. So far it's been going pretty good but that could change when it becomes monotonous. I'm definitely gonna try to incorporate other forms of exercise like your suggesting, to keep myself motivated and my body guessing. Oh I'm totally a night owl too but because of the 6 day express diet I had to wake up early to get in my cardio and all my meals, so it totally helped.

    @Never Again No trouble at all! We're in this together. I totally believe that you're more motivated when you have other people there along with you, cheering you on. So how about I check on you on Mondays? That's my weigh in day, video update and photo update as well. Hehe X…oh how I love my fellow Philes. Will totally be checking out your updates, bookmarking it now.

    @charmedgirl37 Thank you Rach! I miss yo face girl. It feels like forever since our rants over the phone. I know we discussed this on twitter but it bared repeating. ;-) Let's do this together, join in. I know it's hard but you can do it!! :D
