Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekend Splurge

I'll let my video do the talking =)


  1. What weight issues? You look damn good just the way you are. No changes needed is my honest opinion.

  2. Thank you! That's very sweet. =)

  3. oh Lizzy! I don't want to nag, but... nooooooooooooooooooooooo! The weekend trap! This happens to me a lot, esp. during school. I have learned to think of the weekend not as "two free days" but instead as "half the week". Think about it: if you are doing great Monday-Thursday, and then it all goes to hell Fri-Sat-Sun, you really kind-of only put in half the effort. But it's a new week now, so we can just do better this week!

  4. I can see a difference (shrinkage) in the pics. Great job! @ marikology - I agree - sorta'. You have to give yourself some time off. The weekend is it for me. That's not to say I lose my mind and eat my way through 'til Monday, but it is when I tend to go out to eat and maybe have (more) drinks. If not, why am I working out like a maniac during the week and sticking to a pretty strict eating regimen? Gots to spend that "food-bank" at some point;-) Moderation...an art and a science.
    XO, Ms. Blahblah

  5. You can be the leading lady in my show anytime!
